5 exotic vegetables and their health facts

Vegetables are always good for a healthy mind and body. Their benefits and inherent goodness is apparent with time. Here are some of the most amazing vegetables that have nutritive and medicinal qualities good for your overall health and vitality:

1 – The Oca is a root vegetable that has the goodness of the potato and also is an excellent source of vitamin C and A. these root vegetables also add a lot of volume and weight to soups and curries. You can opt for various varieties of Oca as they are tangier and starchy like the traditional potato.

2 – Tiger nuts are always a great source of iron and potassium. They can be soaked in warm water and then eaten with raisins and milk. In Spain, these nuts are used to make the Horchata, which is rich in sugars and vegan qualities. This drink can be an ideal milk substitute for those who are lactose intolerant and want to go the vegan way!

3 – If you want a friendly cousin of the traditional cauliflower that can be eaten in flavorful mixes and curries, try the Romanesco. This vegetable can help offer you a rich source of vitamin C and K. If you want to eat a vegetable that is rich in fibroids and carotenoids, try this.

4 – The Kohlrabi or the Olkopi is a vegetable that is unique looking and can be used in light flavorful curries. Its juicy stems can be truly good additions to the salad we eat for snacks.

5 – Salsify is the most edible and slippery root vegetable that makes a cut in the European diet. The taste is exotic and it is quite deliciously prepared in the same vein as a meat dish in India, especially in Bengal. This vegetable can be compared to the antichoke hearts in some respects.

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